The picture isn't very clear, because it was really dark before work, but I have made more progress on the baby quilt. 25% of the third border is finished. Hopefully I'll be binding by the week's end.
I exchanged my big hoop for a smaller one. |
Remember these blocks? |
I also finally got around to soaking those blocks I had sitting under my iron as it went through it's death throws and leaked everywhere....
Just soaking in clear water seems to have worked well to get the color out. So I'll be starting to soak the unassembled pieces when this baby quilt is done. One of the dark purples on the top needs a little more soaking perhaps, but it did not have as much time to sit as the others.
The blocks are are not as close to square as they were though. I might try to re-wet them and block them out a bit better, but I'm thinking that I'll have to trim them to size.