Back when I revealed Secret Garden I had mentioned another mystery quilt that had rockier beginnings. Today I'd like to share this quilt with you in all its finished glory.
I give you "Finding Gold".
Finished Size: 66 x 82.
Machine Quilted.

It was my first mystery weekend and I had been looking forward to finally being out of school and able to go away on retreat with my mom. Unfortunately, that weekend I was feeling poorly. But because of that I was working slower than everyone else and I watched as one quilter after another wasn't thrilled with their finished product.
I brought my pieces home and let them languish in my closet for a couple of years, but I was determined to make this quilt into something. I wasn't letting my hard work on 192 triangles amount to nothing! So I pulled them out, started playing with layouts, and bought some gold to make the quilt a little more rounded. (A solely pink and purple quilt means a lot more pink than I am comfortable with.)
Finally I came up with a design I was happy with. And now, after a trip to the quilter and a bit of binding, it's off on a new journey.
I gifted this quilt to a coworker friend of mine to raffle off for Relay for Life. She is one of two event coordinators for my area. I hope this quilt will help her fundraising efforts. Relay for life happens in early June, so I have to wait a while to see how it does.