My pillow |
I'm not sure why I thought that I would be able to just pick up machine quilting and go. I certainly have no reason to believe that should be true. Nevertheless, when I decided to machine quilt my latest pillow, I thought it was going to be easy. Oh, how wrong I was.
I thought a spiral would look nice and give my pinwheel some motion. My first attempt was to try quilting my spiral the same way I did crosshatching (that one time) in the past. My thought was that I would draw the inner bit of the spiral, start following my chalk line, and then follow the rest with a seam guide.
One trial run later I was at my local quilt store to see if I could find a seam guide. I couldn't find one with my machine, and I may or may not have even had one to begin with...
And somehow I walked out with a free motion quilting foot! I'm not quite sure how that happened. I've never been interested in machine quilting, yet here we are.
After recruiting my husband figure out how to attach the darn thing, I spent most of the week trying to figure out how to regulate my machine again. I'm not sure I'm making any progress, and I'm pretty sure I could have hand quilted it by now, but I'm determined to stick it out a while longer.
In the meantime, my pinwheel pillow sits untouched and patiently waiting for me to figure out what I'm doing.